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Student and Staff Wellbeing

We help New Zealand schools elevate student and staff wellbeing together. 

Empowering schools with insightful wellbeing solutions

Hundreds of NZ schools trust our wellbeing solutions to gain a better understanding of what’s happening to and for their students and staff alike. This allows them to truly make a difference with the support and interventions they put in place.

Wellbeing solutions that make a difference.

Wellbeing in an increasingly online world

Addressing mental health and wellbeing in schools is more crucial than ever. Schools across New Zealand are grappling with escalating challenges such as loneliness, screen addiction, and online threats. The pressures of modern life and the digital age intensify these issues, highlighting the need for effective intervention.

By collaborating with forward-thinking organisations, we equip schools with the tools and support needed to detect and address these problems early. Our solutions foster a safe and nurturing environment, ensuring that every investment supports a connected, resilient community where students
can thrive.

Prioritising wellbeing ensures a positive and productive educational environment for all.


We have data for attendance. We have data for academics. But schools can lack ongoing data for wellbeing to inform strategic plans and achieve the outcomes based on what kids need and what is going on for them."

Kimberley Malloy

Acting Associate Principal, Peninsula Primary School

Moving beyond traditional approaches to better support wellbeing

Schools typically rely on teacher observations and annual surveys to assess wellbeing. While these methods offer some insights, they have notable limitations. Annual surveys often fail to capture the fluctuating nature of emotions and needs, making it challenging to implement timely and effective interventions. Wellbeing needs change rapidly, necessitating more frequent and detailed data for effective support. Our Guide 'Elevating Student Wellbeing Together' outlines how schools are using wellbeing data to identify where improvements can be made. 

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A whole school approach to wellbeing

Student and staff wellbeing are deeply interconnected. A supportive environment for both enhances overall school performance. Staff Pulse and Student Pulse platforms provide continuous insights, enabling schools to address the evolving needs of both students and staff. By prioritising wellbeing across the board, schools create a resilient and engaged community that supports academic and personal growth.

Foster student support
The Pulse tool creates a safe space for students and staff to seek support and guidance, facilitating early intervention to address minor issues before they escalate. Furthermore, it promotes awareness and dialogue around mental health, fostering a supportive school community.

Transform student and staff wellbeing
Schools can gain valuable insights into student and staff wellbeing trends, enabling them to develop targeted interventions and support programs.

Give students and staff a voice
Students and staff alike can express their feelings and concerns in a safe and secure environment with Linewize Pulse, unlocking insights you may not otherwise have.

Improve decision-making
Use real-time wellbeing insights for leaders to identify areas needing attention, allowing them to allocate resources more effectively. 

Foster a positive school culture
Pulse enables staff to reflect on their wellbeing and supports students through gratitude and encouraging interactions, creating a connected and nurturing environment.

Why wellbeing tools are important

How do schools currently ‘diagnose’ wellbeing health and identify focus areas?

While schools recognise the need to allocate more resources and focus on student wellbeing, there isn’t a standard approach to identifying and addressing it. To try and understand how students are feeling, schools may carry out activities such as drop-in sessions with the school’s counsellor and teacher observations, with annual online and/or paper-based surveys being the most commonly used method.

Stock image of a man looking thoughtfully at a laptop

Stock image of three schoolgirls in a computer lab

Limitations to the current approach

Annual wellbeing data and in-person pastoral care are beneficial, but current methods of capturing wellbeing data have challenges. Annual surveys often miss dynamic emotions, making it hard to identify effective interventions. Wellbeing needs change frequently, highlighting the importance of a regular feedback tool like Linewize Pulse.

How does Linewize Pulse work?

Hundreds of NZ schools trust our wellbeing solutions to gain a better understanding of what’s happening to and for their students and staff alike. This allows them to truly make a difference with the support and interventions they put in place. 

Pulse provides an opportunity for students to check in on their wellbeing and provides insights into school wellbeing every week. It takes just a minute or two.

Discover how Pulse is making a difference in schools across New Zealand by rising to the challenge of improving wellbeing here

Once a week, students receive a reminder to take a little time to consider five questions when they check-in.

If students feel they need help, they can connect with the staff member they trust.

Students are asked different questions every time across five important wellbeing domains.

Their responses provide real-time visibility into student sentiment and wellbeing. 

Clear heatmaps and trends empower you to make informed decisions about where to focus your time and energy to help your students engage and succeed.

Students can express gratitude to their peers and your entire staff, fostering recognition and demonstrating your school’s values.

Linewize Pulse for Students: Real-time wellbeing feedback tool

Linewize Pulse gives students a channel to speak up and schools a way to spot those in need — in just a couple of minutes:

Weekly check-ins

Students engage in brief, regular reflections on their wellbeing, offering real-time insights into their emotional and mental states.

Actionable data

Track trends and heatmaps to identify and address areas needing attention.

Foster connections

Encourage meaningful interactions and support through regular feedback and gratitude features.

The impact of Pulse for Students


weekly check-ins

Students are consistently engaged and monitored for their wellbeing.


student engagement

High levels of participation in wellbeing check-ins globally.


students supported

The “I need help” feature has facilitated vital support for students in need.

Linewize Pulse for Staff: Real-time wellbeing feedback tool

Our staff version of Linewize Pulse provides a streamlined way to monitor and enhance their wellbeing with just a minute or two of engagement each week:

Regular insightful check-ins

Staff share their wellbeing status weekly, providing timely data on emotional and mental health.

Data-driven support

Access comprehensive trends and analytics to pinpoint wellbeing issues and trends and allocate resources effectively.

Strengthen workplace culture

Build a supportive environment with ongoing feedback and recognition features, fostering a sense of community and appreciation among staff.

The global impact of Staff Pulse



got the support needed through the "I need help" feature.


weekly check-ins

provided feedback on areas impacting staff.



building a culture of gratitude.

Further reading

linewize-wholeschoolapproach-guide-thumb Download PDF


A Whole School Approach to Wellbeing
Linewize-Pulse-ProductBrochure-Thumbnail Download PDF

Solution Brochure

Linewize Pulse 
Qoria-Thumbnail-NZ - How to make invisible digital risks visible-1 Download PDF

How to make invisible digital risks visible

Ready to transform wellbeing in your school?

Talk to us today to learn how our digital wellbeing tools can make a significant impact on your students’ and staff’s wellbeing.

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