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Partnering with charitable organisations
for lasting impact in Aotearoa

Linewize works with forward-thinking and socially responsible charitable organisations to help them invest where it's needed most.

Supporting the wellbeing of our tamariki
- together

We partner with funders, associations, and schools to create lasting impact across Aotearoa.

Why invest in schools?

Declining wellbeing of young people
We believe the most significant social impact is achieved by investing in our young people. Our tamariki (children) face a growing range of challenges related to their mental health and wellbeing, needs that can't be ignored but are hard to see or spot in time.

The role of early detection and intervention
Early detection and timely intervention are crucial in addressing these issues effectively. This approach enables schools to identify and address potential wellbeing concerns early on and provides a channel for students to voice their feelings - whether about themselves or their personal circumstances. This helps schools understand what’s happening to and for their students. 

Your investment can help schools direct their efforts and resources effectively
Schools, as central hubs within our communities, offer a unique opportunity to connect with tamariki in a nurturing, child-focused environment. Schools are where students spend most of their time, and where their development is fostered. They play a crucial role in providing a safe, supportive environment where tamariki can thrive and overcome their challenges. By investing in the capabilities of schools, we can directly address the mental health and wellbeing challenges that students face.

Invest where it's needed most
By directing your investments towards schools, you are supporting the social, emotional, and academic development of our tamariki. This type of financial support not only addresses immediate wellbeing challenges but also fosters the growth of engaged, positive contributors to their whānau (families) and communities.

Your commitment can create lasting, meaningful impact where it truly matters—ensuring that the next generation thrives in a safe, supportive environment.

Why partner with Linewize?

Charities, funders and schools choose to work with us for several reasons. But there are three things our partners consistently tell us they value the most. 


Proven Impact

We offer measurable data and insights on the key areas that matter most. Your investment helps schools direct their efforts and resources effectively. 

Established Solutions

With Linewize Pulse, our technology supports millions of students across New Zealand, delivering tangible results.

Shared Values

Our commitment to the wellbeing of tamariki aligns seamlessly with the goals of our partners. 


What's already happening
in this space?

In partnership with the West Auckland Principals Association, The Trusts, we have introduced an Early Detection & Intervention approach across West Auckland.

This initiative has been met with overwhelming positivity and media attention, and we now have schools eagerly awaiting their chance to participate.


Hear directly from schools participating in the Pilot program

Regional impact of the partnership so far



now have a channel to speak up and a way to ask for help



are benefiting from early intervention technologies



in wellbeign across the West Auckland region



will have a voice and be able to access wellbeing support

Talk to us to see how we can support your region

Are you interested in supporting your local schools and tamariki?

Complete the form below, and Andrew Sylvester, our Wellbeing Specialist and Partnerships Manager, will reach out to discuss how we can collaborate to make a meaningful impact.


Discover more about our work

Explore how your investment can transform the lives of tamariki
and strengthen communities across Aotearoa.