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A Regional Approach to Supporting Wellbeing

The West Auckland Pulse Pilot Program

A West Auckland Principals' Association Wellbeing Initiative

Every student known. Every student heard. Wellbeing made visible. 
Tony Biddick_WAPA
By partnering with The Trusts and Linewize, we have the potential to create a better West Auckland for all young people by engaging with them in this Wellbeing Initiative.

Tony Biddick

Tony Biddick, WAPA Wellbeing Pilot Program Lead & Immediate Past President

Register your interest to participate

To ensure you are one of the schools eligible to participate in this West Auckland-wide wellbeing initiative simply provide your details below, and we'll be in touch with more information.

Pulse in a Primary School

Pulse in a Secondary School

Linewize Pulse helps schools collect wellbeing data through weekly check-ins with students

With Linewize Pulse, schools can see the latest data and insights on student wellbeing, help vulnerable students who need immediate attention, and create a connected and caring school community.

Work together whilst also maintaining your individuality as a school:

Adopt an informed approach to managing student wellbeing

Get access to real-time data and evidence-based resources to support students’ mental, social, and physical wellness.

Early identification of at-risk students

Get instant visibility of student wellbeing and connect those in need with trusted staff members.

Empowering students voice and agency

Create a culture of trust and care where students can easily communicate their feelings and ask for help when they need it.


Use actionable insights to improve wellbeing outcomes:

Granular and accessible wellbeing insights

Evaluate the effectiveness of wellbeing initiatives by tracking the results of programs using data at student, year group, school, or community level.

Support needs-based grant applications

Leverage wellbeing data to demonstrate the wellbeing needs of the school community and apply for relevant external funding. 

Improve school culture

Make informed, just-in-time decisions about what programs to deliver based on identified trends and patterns.

School cluster dashboard

Schools can quickly measure wellbeing across whole school communities and access snapshot views and detailed reporting.

Pulse's impact



got the support needed through the "I need help" feature


weekly check-ins

have placed students on the 'wellbeing radar'



seen across global Pulse check-ins


of students

who needed help reached out the first time they used Pulse

The Ōhinemuri Kahui Ako Wellbeing Journey

Video case studies:



Brook Hill

Principal, Netherton School

After the very first check-in of Pulse it became apparent to me the capabilities that this had. There were two children that immediately came up in red “I need some help”, and these weren't children that I had been previously working with or I had any kind of evidence to suggest that they would otherwise be needing some help.

Royce McMurtrie

Paeroa Christian School Principal

Student wellbeing is very private. Some kids don’t even understand why they feel the way they are feeling. We wanted to move away from just having a guess... and actually do something based on some real data.

Wayne Whitney

Tumuaki, Hikutaia School

We can take the Pulse data and the feedback that we are getting to see if there are any trends and work out what needs to be worked on collectively.

Want to learn more?


To discover more about Linewize Pulse visit our website here.